HARDINESS ZONE.2-11 GROW.Sow indoors in sterile germinating mix 6-8 weeks before last frost and cover with vermiculite to increase humidity. Keep at 65-75°F. Water from below to prevent damping off by placing a tray under the container.Sprout Time: 7-15 days WHEN TO PLANT.6 to 8 weeks before the last spring frost. ATTRACTIVE.Attractive to bees and other insects as well as nectar-feeding birds, the blossoms give way to explosively-dehiscent capsules. USE.Good candidate for beds and borders,cottage gardens,coastal gardens or containers. Widely cultivated as an ornamental for its attractive flowers, Impatiens balsamina (Garden Balsam) is a frost-tender annual with erect, succulent stems bearing light green, elliptical to lanceolate, serrate leaves, 3.5 in. long (8 cm). Blooming for months from late spring until frost, vibrant cup-shaped flowers, 2 in. across (5 cm), single or double, come in various shades of white, pink, red, and can be bicolor. Attractive to bees and other insects as well as nectar-feeding birds, the blossoms give way to explosively-dehiscent capsules. Seeds are dispersed when they are ejected from the capsule. Native to India and Myanmar, Garden Balsam prefers a moist environment and has a low tolerance for drought conditions. Balsam plants are quite fast growing and require little maintenance to keep them blooming all season long. The flowers and leaves are often used across Asia for dyeing women hair, nails, hands and feet. The stems, leaves and oil of the seeds are used in traditional Asian medicine for promoting blood circulation and for relieving pain and sore throats.