"NuMex Spice Mix" series, a collection of vividly-colored jalapenos bred at New Mexico State University. Perfect for creating fresh salsa, pickling, and as a garden feature, these peppers bring more than just a hint of heat--with NuMex Lemon Spice, Orange Spice, and Pumpkin Spice boasting mature fruit in zesty citrine colors with heat levels from hot to very hot. Plants offer thick-fleshed peppers packed with a bold flavor, but beware: Orange Spice is the hottest in the series. Days to Maturity: 65 (From Transplant) Pkt Size/Seeds ~10+ Seeds ~30+ Seeds •(Capsicum annuum) •Easy to grow •Heirloom •Annual Crop •GMO-Free •Open-Pollinated •USA-Grown Seeds •Square Foot Garden Spacing: One plant per square foot •USDA Zones: 3-12 •Fruit Size: 2 - 3 Inches •Scoville Heat Unit: 1,000 - 5,000 SHU