KER BOND Ultra-Ionic Pinoy Brazilian Hair Botx500ml ***the smell can cause stinging in the eye, best to do this outside or where room is well-ventilated. **NO RETURNS OR REFUND ONCE OPENED! KER BOND Ultra - Ionic Pinoy Brazilian Hair Botx is a high-quality hair treatment that offers the highest level of straightening power, ranging from 80% to 100%, depending on the hair's texture. This product is packed with keratin to replace the lost keratin due to harsh chemicals used on the hair. this variant is: 1. Strong: This variant is suitable for hair that has been bleached and cannot be rebonded. To use the KER BOND Ultra - Ionic Pinoy Brazilian Hair Botx, start by shampooing your hair twice. Towel dry your hair and apply the product. Note that there is no need to leave it on for an extended period; you can blow-dry immediately. Once dry, you can use a flat iron to achieve 100% straightness. If you plan to do a rebonding treatment, you can use the hair botox after rinsing the first rebonding solution. Blow-dry your hair immediately and flat iron. There is no need for the second rebonding solution as the hair botox contains citric acid, which acts as a neutralizer. KER BOND Ingredients: H2O, Cetyl Alcohol, Mineral Oil, Silicon oil, Emulsion silicon, propelyne glycol, mythyl paraben, Mrophyl paraben, perfume, keratin extract, olive oil Misk Keratin, Collagen