Pomegranate Tree Seeds (Punica granatum) "Apple of Granata Fruit" The Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is One of the Oldest Fruits Known to Humans; It's Deeply Embedded in Our History. For Thousands of Years, it has been a Vital Provider of Food and Medicine across Different Cultures and Civilizations. In the Early 2000's the Pomegranate began to Grow in Popularity due to it's Sweet Taste and it's High Anitoxidant Characteristics. The Pomegranate is Also Said to be Found in the Garden of Eden according to Ancient Iranian Christianity and was Believed to be the Real Forbidden Fruit rather than the Apple. Pomegranate Trees will Grow to 12' foot high, and around 8-10' foot wide fully mature. Pomegranate shrubs may be grown in partial shade, but ideally should be placed somewhere with as much sun and warmth as possible. For a good harvest, your tree should get at least six hours of full sun per day. The pomegranate needs well-drained soil, though it can thrive in a wide variety of soils from acid loam (preferred) to poor-quality alkaline types. The pomegranate tree is drought tolerant, though irrigation is needed for proper fruit production. Water deeply every two to four weeks during the dry season when you are establishing new trees. Be careful, however, not to overwater. Excess water and soggy conditions can lead to a poor harvest. The fruit will also be more prone to splitting, increasing the chances of problems with pests and fungal diseases. The optimal growing areas for this fruit are 8 to 10. They appreciate cool winters and hot, dry summers. They thrive when growing season temperatures are above 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Pomegranate trees are more cold tolerant than citris trees but the levels vary depending on the cultivar. Most pomegranate trees do not require chill hours to bloom. ZONES 8-10 Pomegranate Germination: 1) Seeds should be planted in loose seed starting mix, covering with a light 1/2 inch of soil. 2) Keep the soil "moist", Not wet as it will rot the seeds. Using a spray bottle to mist them until moist is optimal. 3) Seeds will germinate at normal room temperature between 30-40 days, but using a heated propagator mat at 80 degrees can cut that time in half. 4) Seeds Must be kept under a Bright Light, or in the direct sunlight until they germinate. "If you need Anything, Please Contact us First" Germinación de la granada: 1) Las semillas deben plantarse en una mezcla suelta para semillas, cubriéndolas con 1/2 pulgada de tierra liviana. 2) Mantenga la tierra "húmeda", no mojada, ya que pudrirá las semillas. Lo óptimo es usar un rociador para rociarlas hasta que estén húmedas. 3) Las semillas germinarán a temperatura ambiente normal entre 30 y 40 días, pero usar una estera de propagación calentada a 80 grados puede reducir ese tiempo a la mitad. 4) Las semillas deben mantenerse bajo una luz brillante o bajo la luz solar directa hasta que germinen. "Si necesita algo, comuníquese con nosotros primero"